
In makishi performances that require percussion ensemble music, drums undergo a two-step tuning process. The goals of this process are to change each drum’s pitch and timbre.

First, drums are heated in a process called kuzumisa or kukangula. This raises the pitch of each drum and gives it a tighter, drier, and louder tone (often described as kukanguka). There are two ways to heat the drums:

  • stand the drum up and leave it out in the sun anywhere from one to several hours OR
  • place or hold the drumhead near a fire for about five minutes
heating drums in Mongu on April 2, 2022
Second, one applies ulezo tuning paste to the center of the drumhead. Though historically made from jimono (castor seeds), ulezo is currently made out of a combination of fatty materials such as groundnuts, laundry bar soap, motor oil, honey, and/or all-purpose putty. Ulezo application lowers the pitch of each drum and gives it a booming, rumbly, slack tone (often described as kumbumbula). Drummers use a significant amount of ulezo on lower drums and much less on higher drums, oftentimes not even applying any to the ngoma yakasumbi. While ulezo is an absolute necessity for drums in shina instrumentation, it is not always required for the instruments of the ngoma pwita ensemble. Though the Kachacha dance does not accompany any makishi, it is worth noting that ulezo is absolutely vital to the drum chime of this ensemble.
ulezo made by Kapalu Lizambo in Zambezi, 2022
Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu applying ulezo in Mongu on 4/4/2022
(L-R) Musole Chipango, Chihungwa Kapalu, Kasanga Nsamba
The following audio examples demonstrate how much the pitch and timbre of a ngoma drum changes during this two-step tuning process. I provide examples of various strokes (open, slap, bass) on four different drums (shina, ngoma yahakachi, ngoma yakusongo, ngoma yakasumbi) at three different stages of the process (before any tuning, after kuzumisa, after ulezo application). These are just 25 of the 412 sounds I analyzed in CHAPTER # of my dissertation.

(ngoma ya) shina

open stroke before any tuning
performed by Chota
open stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Chota
open stroke after ulezo application
performed by Chota
slap stroke before any tuning
performed by Chota
slap stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Chota
slap stroke after ulezo application
performed by Chota
bass stroke before any tuning
performed by Chota
bass stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Chota
bass stroke after ulezo application
performed by Chota
(ngoma ya) shina from Zambezi

ngoma yahakachi

open stroke before any tuning
performed by Chota
open stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Chota
open stroke after ulezo application
performed by Chota
slap stroke before any tuning
performed by Chota
slap stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Chota
slap stroke after ulezo application
performed by Chota
ngoma yahakachi from Zambezi

ngoma yakusongo

open stroke before any tuning
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
open stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
open stroke after ulezo application
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
slap stroke before any tuning
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
slap stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
slap stroke after ulezo application
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
ngoma yakusongo from Zambezi

ngoma yakasumbi

open stroke before any tuning
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
open stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
slap stroke before any tuning
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
slap stroke after kuzumisa
performed by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu
ngoma yakasumbi from Zambezi
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