
Alternate Names: Kambinda, Tyengu

Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu featuring Tyengu performing Nyemba on April 8, 2022 in Mongu, Zambia;
for higher quality audio, check upcoming ILAM PROJECT; for higher quality video, download from “Videos of Luvale (and Related) Sonic Culture” link

Origin: Nyemba

Though this item of repertoire likely has a different name among those it is believed to have originated with, “Nyemba” is the word most used by practitioners in Zambia. This dance is usually for makishi of Luchazi, Mbunda, Nkhangala, Nyemba, and Vimbundu origin. It is relatively rare in Chokwe and Luvale communities though always a crowd-pleaser whenever performed.

Other colloquially used names include “Kambinda” and “Tyengu,” the names of makishi most likely to perform this dance in Luvale communities. Nyemba is the primary dance for spirits of horned animals from the bush, most of whom are prey. As such, many makishi will carry grass in their hands or mouth when performing. Most spirits in this class wear mizombila (long bark-cloth skirts), and some additionally wear jizombo (short bark-cloth skirts). This is not a dance for humans.

The characteristic dance for Nyemba involves the alternation of two moves: rolling hands at waist height and bringing hands up to the shoulders. Though the accompanying music uses a common timeline/mikakaji phrase, the three supporting drum patterns are not in any other dance from this repertoire. Furthermore, Nyemba often features low support drum phrases that are longer than one timeline cycle – a rarity in this culture.


  • Lead drum: ngoma ya shina
  • Supporting drums: ngoma yahakachi, ngoma yakusongo, ngoma yakasumbi
  • Timeline: mikakaji

Makishi Who Dance Nyemba

2021; Mabumbu, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk
2021; Mabumbu, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk
2021; Mabumbu, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk
2016; Nanoko, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk
8/2016; Mize, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk
2021; Mongu, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk
2021; Mongu, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk

Nyemba Interactive Mixer

Recorded by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu in Mongu, Zambia on April 4, 2022.

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mikakaji performed by Kasanga Nsamba
ngoma yakasumbi performed by Chinyama Kasanga
ngoma yakusongo performed by Kashewa Kapalu
ngoma yahakachi performed by Kasanga Nsamba
shina performed by Kasanga Nsamba
Nyemba ETC staff notation
Nyemba ETC TUBS notation
ngoma yahakachi vocable as recited by Kasanga Nsamba
ngoma yakusongo vocable as recited by Lote Sapato
mikakaji vocable as recited by William Vunda

Alternate Supporting Drum Parts

alternate ngoma yahakachi parts
alternate ngoma yakasumbi part
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