
Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu featuring Katavola performing Lilombola on April 8, 2022 in Mongu, Zambia;
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Origin: Mbunda

Lilombola is predominately for humans, though some rare makishi also perform this dance. Although both types of dancers will move to the same percussion accompaniment, a different set of songs may be sung depending on the dancers. Some believe that Lilombola was initially created to celebrate victory in war. Today, humans celebrate with Lilombola at pivotal moments of happy ceremonies (Tsukada 1997, 355).1 In these settings, people usually dance Lilombola in the evening, after the official ritual activities have concluded. It is a large (counter-clockwise) circle dance that all are able to join in, though adult dancers are more frequently involved than the youth. In this way, it is a sort of Mbunda equivalent to the Luvale Kachacha. Though Lilombola and Kachacha may share some social similarities in the human world, they differ in the ancestral world.

Most of the makishi who dance Lilombola are Mbunda or Nkhangala in origin. Some of these spirits (Munguli, Ndumba) are predatory, non-horned animals from the bush. These should not be confused with the horned prey animal spirits from the bush who perform Nyemba. Other makishi (like Likopito) may dance Lilombola because of its origins in war. The Likopito likishi is an homage to the helicopters which became unfortunately common sites during Angola’s battle for independence and civil war. Perhaps rooted in the fact that elderly humans often dance Lilombola, makishi spirits of wise humans (such as Katavola) also perform this dance.

Due to the varied nature of makishi who perform this dance, there is no set costume for Lilombola performers. Some sport mikotola (cloth tied around and between legs) and/or malambu (dried animal hides). These hides may again reference human performance as elders would historically dance Lilombola while wearing malambu. However other makishi (such as Soko/Mkima) are completely covered in jizombo (short bark-cloth skirts) and mizombila (long bark-cloth skirts).

Lilombola dance revolves around slowly rotating shoulders. While keeping that movement in the upper body, a talented dancer may simultaneously alternate 4 quick steps with 2 slower ones.

Makishi Who Dance Lilombola

8/4/2022; Mongu, Zambia
21/8/2019; Zambezi, Zambia
2016; Nanoko, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk
8/2016; Mize, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk
8/2019; Mize, Zambia; photo courtesy of Martin Vorwerk


  • Lead drum: ngoma ya shina
  • Supporting drums: ngoma yahakachi, ngoma yakusongo, ngoma yakasumbi
  • Timeline: mikakaji

Lilombola Interactive Mixer

Recorded by Likumbi Lya Mize Western Province Mongu in Mongu, Zambia on April 4, 2022.

works best in Chrome & Firefox; allow each track to start loading before playing, refresh if necessary

mikakaji performed by Musole Chipango
ngoma yakasumbi performed by Kasanga Nsamba
ngoma yakusongo performed by Kasanga Nsamba
ngoma yahakachi performed by Kasanga Nsamba
shina performed by Kasanga Nsamba
Lilombola ETC staff notation
Lilombola ETC TUBS notation
ngoma yahakachi vocable as recited by Chihinga Chimbinde
ngoma yakusongo vocable as recited by Kennedy K. Mweene
ngoma yakasumbi vocable as recited by Kashewa Kapalu
mikakaji vocable as recited by William Vunda

Alternate Supporting Drum Parts

alternate ngoma yahakachi parts
alternate ngoma yakusongo part
alternate ngoma yakasumbi parts
alternate ngoma yahakachi vocable as recited by Musole Chipango
alternate ngoma yakusongo vocable as recited by William Vunda
  1. Tsukada, Kenichi. 1997. “Drumming, Onomatopoeia and Sound Symbolism among the Luvale of Zambia.” In Cultures Sonores d’Afrique, 349–91. Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages & Cultures of Asia & Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. ↩︎
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